What’s the Buzz on Financial Stress?

Laura writes a blog for Truro Buzz, if you’d like to check it out you can find the rest of it at https://trurobuzz.com/whats-the-buzz-on-financial-stress/ but here’s a little teaser below:
It’s not easy to manage your finances right now, high interest rates, stubbornly high inflation, and those are just the broad topics. Financial stressors come from many different directions, be they individual, such as illness or injury, to systemic, like the stock market, and the completely out of your control, like losing a job or being in a car accident. There’s a bunch of different reasons why we find ourselves in difficult financial places in our life and to be blunt, they’re all stressful and not fun to deal with.
Be Kind to Yourself
Let’s take money out of the equation for a second. Any kind of stress is hard to deal with, and the most important thing for you to do is to be kind to yourself. It’s okay to acknowledge that things are hard, and it’s okay to talk about the issues you face. Financial stress is one of the biggest motivators of poor mental health, and it’s important to know that you’re not alone in feeling it. The reality for any kind of financial struggle is it usually isn’t short lived. As much as we may hope that we’re just one paycheque/raise/bonus/windfall away from a positive situation, reality often takes much longer. So while you’re doing the work and figuring out the troubles you may be facing, most importantly be kind to yourself.