Love Your Financial Today, And Happily Ever After

After quite a few hard years, I think we could all use a little self-care. So in the spirit of a day of love, I wanted to talk a little about how to love your financial present, and future.
Financial planning has a reputation for always looking forward, and that can feel like the present doesn’t matter. I say far from it! Living in the moment, and enjoying each day as they come and go is incredibly important. I often say our finances are just a reflection of the lives we lead, the values we have, and what we think is important. If you’re only worried about tomorrow then you’ll miss all of the today’s it takes to get there.
That doesn’t mean we should ignore the future either, but there’s a big difference between living in ignorance, and living confidently. If you’ve done the work to take a hard look at where you’re heading then you can spend more time enjoying today.
Good planning is a balancing act, it’s about finding the confidence to live your best life every day, not mortgage your future for the present, and not slog through the present for an uncertain future. So how can you find that balance in your day to day? It all starts with a good understanding of what you want out of your life, and what you want your life to evolve into. Understanding what your current goals are, and how that translates into actions you can take to achieve them removes the guess work out of managing your money.
Whether you’re saving too much, or prioritizing things that you don’t really care about, to just not having a clue about what’s going on there’s more ways than I’d like there to be that can cause you to run astray.
If it sounds like I’m being vague, it’s because I am, because everyone also has a unique perspective of what they want out of life. Which brings us to the most important part of finding that harmonious state of love with your finances. Knowing what you want to be doing, and stripping out all of the other noise. Money doesn’t solve problems on it’s own, but it does give you options to solve problems you face.
In an act of compassion for yourself, I hope you endeavour today to think about what you truly want out of life, and then think of how your day to day actions support, or hinder that. Life isn’t about dollars, it’s about the memories, the relationships, and the connections we make along the way. Make sure your money supports you in being your best self, don’t let it dictate how you spend your valuable time.
As always, if you’d like some help, it also never hurts to ask, I always love a storybook ending to a great plan!